Level Up Your Security: Free Secure Coding Practices Checklists

Secure Coding Practices Checklists

Recent studies reveal a sobering truth: over 80% of data breaches are preventable. The key lies in a secure coding practices checklists, a critical component of any robust software development process.

While optimization and performance remain crucial aspects of software engineering, security must never be an afterthought. Regardless of your role, be it developer, quality assurance specialist, or cloud engineer, prioritizing secure coding is vital.

This article delves into common secure coding practices checklists that you can readily integrate into your daily workflow, whether building a new feature or developing an entire application. Let's explore these essential safeguards:

  1. Defending Against SQL Injection: This technique shields your application from malicious code disguised as user input, preventing unauthorized access and data manipulation.
  2. Thwarting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): This practice safeguards against attacks that inject malicious scripts into your application, potentially compromising user data and system integrity.
  3. Leveraging Selenium for Security Testing: This automated testing framework empowers you to identify and address security vulnerabilities before deployment.
  4. Ensuring Secure Password Storage and Handling: Implement robust password hashing algorithms and avoid storing passwords in plain text to deter unauthorized access attempts.
  5. Mitigating Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): This tactic protects against attacks that trick users into unknowingly performing unauthorized actions on your application.
  6. Implementing Secure Session Management: Employ secure session management techniques to prevent unauthorized session hijacking and maintain user authenticity.
  7. Enforcing Content Security Policy (CSP): This security measure restricts the types of resources (scripts, images, etc.) that your application can load, minimizing the potential for malicious code injection.
  8. Handling Error Messages Securely: Avoid revealing sensitive information, such as server paths or stack traces, in error messages displayed to users, as this information can be exploited by attackers.
  9. Securing File Uploads: Implement robust validation and sanitization processes to prevent malicious file uploads that could compromise your system or infect user devices.
  10. Logging and Auditing for Security Monitoring: Establish comprehensive logging and auditing practices to track user activity and detect suspicious behavior, enabling timely response to security incidents.

By applying, these secure coding practices checklists into your development process, you contribute significantly to building resilient, secure software and safeguarding sensitive data. Remember, security is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and keep your coding practices up to date to ensure an impregnable digital fortress.

Secure Your App and Protect Users with Secure Coding Practices Checklists:

1. Shielding Your Database: Preventing SQL Injection

SQL injection is a potent weapon in the arsenal of malicious actors and First in Secure Coding Practices Checklists. By exploiting vulnerabilities in user input handling, attackers can inject malicious code into database queries, leading to:

  • Unauthorized access: Gaining access to sensitive information they shouldn't have.
  • Data manipulation: Tampering with or deleting critical data, potentially causing significant damage.
  • Administrative control: Taking complete control of the application, posing an immense security threat.

Addressing this vulnerability is paramount to:

  • Safeguarding data integrity: Ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of your data.
  • Building user trust: Demonstrating your commitment to protecting their information.
  • Preventing security breaches: Mitigating the risk of severe security incidents.

The Cost of Neglecting Secure Coding:

Failing to address SQL injection can have dire consequences, including:

  • Data leaks: Sensitive information falling into the wrong hands, potentially causing financial or reputational damage.
  • Unauthorized access: Attackers gain access to accounts or systems, allowing them to cause further harm.
  • Tarnished reputation: Security breaches eroding user trust and impact your brand image.

Secure Coding Practices Checklists For Your Code:

Here's an illustrative example of securing your code:

Unsafe Code:

// This code is vulnerable to SQL injection
const userId = req.params.id;
const query = `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`;
db.query(query, (err, result) => {
    // Process the query result


  • The user input (userId) is directly inserted into the SQL query string, making it susceptible to manipulation.

Secure Code:

// Utilizing parameterized queries prevents SQL injection
const userId = req.params.id;
const query = `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?`;
db.query(query, [userId], (err, result) => {
    // Process the query result

2. Securing Your Web Applications: Preventing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) poses a significant threat to the security of web applications. In these attacks, hackers inject malicious scripts into an application, which then execute within the unsuspecting user's browser.

However, implementing Secure Coding Practices Checklists can significantly mitigate the risk of XSS attacks. These checklists serve as valuable resources for developers, guiding them through security best practices and helping them avoid common pitfalls that might introduce vulnerabilities. This can lead to various consequences, including:

  • Data theft: Sensitive information (login credentials, financial data) stolen from users.
  • Financial loss: Users tricked into making unauthorized transactions or falling victim to scams.
  • Unauthorized access: Attackers gaining access to user accounts and taking control of their actions.

Failing to adequately secure your application's frontend opens the door to these issues, potentially resulting in:

  • Loss of user trust: Users may abandon your application due to security concerns.
  • Legal consequences: In some cases, security breaches can lead to legal repercussions.

Securing Your Code: An Illustrative Example

Here's a breakdown of an insecure coding practice and its secure alternative:

Unsafe Code (React Example):

import React, { useState } from 'react';

// ... component code

const handleHtmlStringSubmit = () => {
  // User input directly used without sanitization

// ... render function

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: htmlString }} />


  • User input (inputText) is directly inserted into the HTML string, making it vulnerable to XSS attacks.

Secure Code (React Example):

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify'; // Library for sanitizing HTML

// ... component code

const handleHtmlStringSubmit = () => {

// ... render function

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: DOMPurify.sanitize(htmlString) }

3. Leveraging Selenium for Automated Security Testing

Security testing, a cornerstone of software development, plays a vital role in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities within our applications. This process involves simulating real-world attack scenarios to assess the effectiveness of our defenses against malicious attempts.

While Secure Coding Practices Checklists offer invaluable guidance in safeguarding against common threats like SQL injection and XSS, we now delve into the realm of automated security testing with Selenium. This powerful framework empowers us to conduct thorough and repeatable tests, enhancing our overall security posture.

Secure Coding Practices Checklists: Security Testing with Selenium

This example demonstrates how Selenium can be utilized for security testing, focusing on detecting SQL injection attempts:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedConditions;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait;

public class LoginTestGood {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        try {
            // Step 1: Open the login page

            // Step 2: Simulate SQL injection
            String maliciousInput = "'; DROP TABLE users; --"; // Malicious payload
            WebElement usernameField = driver.findElement(By.name("username"));
            WebElement passwordField = driver.findElement(By.name("password"));

            // Step 3: Verify expected behavior (failure to login)
            WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

            System.out.println("Test (good) - SQL Injection attempt detected, login failed as expected");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Test (unexpected) - Login successful with SQL injection attempt: " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {


  1. Simulating the attack: The code injects a malicious payload (maliciousInput) into the username field, mimicking a potential SQL injection attempt.
  2. Verifying the outcome: The code waits for an element typically present on the login page (By.cssSelector(".login-form")), indicating that the login attempt failed (expected behavior).
  3. Evaluation: If the expected element is found, the test succeeds, confirming that the application detected and prevented the SQL injection attempt.
  4. Error handling: Any unexpected behavior (successful login) triggers an error message, indicating a potential security vulnerability that needs further investigation.

4. Keeping Your Passwords Safe: A User-Friendly Guide

Imagine your passwords are like the keys to your online accounts. If someone else gets hold of them, they can access your information and even steal your identity! So, how do you keep these "keys" safe?

By following Secure Coding Practices Checklists, you can significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities in your code that could be exploited by attackers. These checklists provide a comprehensive set of guidelines to help developers write secure code and safeguard user data and privacy.

The Problem: Storing Passwords the Wrong Way

Storing passwords in plain text (like writing them down on a sticky note) is like leaving your house key under the doormat – anyone can grab it and walk right in. Similarly, some apps might store passwords in a weak format that's easy to crack, putting your accounts at risk.

Here's a bad example:

This code snippet shows how NOT to store passwords. It simply saves the password as the user enters it, which is highly insecure!

// This is bad! Don't store passwords like this.
app.post('/register', (req, res) => {
  const username = req.body.username;
  const password = req.body.password;

  // Store the user in the database with the password as-is

Think of encryption as a way to scramble your passwords using a special code. Even if someone steals this scrambled version, they wouldn't be able to understand it without the "decryption key." This makes it much harder for them to unlock your accounts.

Here's a good example:

This code snippet shows a better way to store passwords. It uses a library called "bcrypt" to encrypt the password before saving it. This makes it much more secure!

// This is good! Encrypts the password before storing.
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');

app.post('/register', async (req, res) => {
  const username = req.body.username;
  const password = req.body.password;

  const saltRounds = 10;
  const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, saltRounds);

  // Store the user in the database with the hashedPassword
  • Always use strong and unique passwords for different accounts.
  • Avoid writing your passwords down or sharing them with anyone.
  • Look for apps and services that encrypt your passwords before storing them.
  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible for an extra layer of security.

I'd be glad to provide a response that combines the strengths of previous responses, addresses identified issues, and adheres to human-generated guidelines:

Understanding Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks

Imagine you're logged in to your bank account and browsing a seemingly harmless website. Unbeknownst to you, this website contains malicious code that, when loaded, silently submits a request to your bank, transferring funds out of your account without your knowledge or consent. This deceptive technique is known as a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack.

Preventing CSRF Attacks: Essential Safeguards

To guard against CSRF attacks, websites employ defensive measures. One of the most common and effective methods is utilizing CSRF tokens. Here's how they work:

  1. Server Generates CSRF Token: The web server generates a unique and unpredictable token specifically for the current user's session. This token is essentially a secret key that validates the authenticity of a request.
  2. Token Embedded: The server embeds the token in two ways:
    • Hidden Form Field: The token is included as a hidden field within forms on the website.
    • Cookie: An HTTP cookie containing the token is sent to the user's browser for secure storage.
  3. Token Included in Request: When a user submits a form or initiates an action that modifies sensitive data, the browser automatically includes the CSRF token (either from the hidden form field or cookie) in the request to the server.
  4. Server Validates Token: The server receives the request and checks if the included token matches the one it generated for the user's session.

Example: Securing Password Change with CSRF Tokens

Without CSRF Protection (Vulnerable):

// Bad example (vulnerable to CSRF)
const form = document.getElementById('changePasswordForm');
form.addEventListener('submit', () => {
  const newPassword = document.getElementById('newPassword').value;
  // Send an unprotected request to change the password
  fetch('/change_password', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ newPassword }),
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

In this vulnerable scenario, an attacker could create a malicious website that embeds a hidden form to submit an unauthorized password change request on the victim's behalf. Since the request doesn't contain any validation mechanism, it could potentially succeed, compromising the user's account.

With CSRF Protection (Secure):

// Good example (protected with CSRF token)
const form = document.getElementById('changePasswordForm');
const csrfToken = document.getElementById('csrfToken').value; // Get token from hidden field or cookie

form.addEventListener('submit', () => {
  const newPassword = document.getElementById('newPassword').value;
  // Include the CSRF token in the request header
  fetch('/change_password', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ newPassword }),
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'X-CSRF-Token': csrfToken
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

Additional Security Considerations

  • Double-Submit Cookie Pattern: While CSRF tokens are widely used, an alternative technique called the Double-Submit Cookie Pattern provides another layer of defense.
  • Secure Cookie Configuration: Ensure cookies containing CSRF tokens are configured with the SameSite attribute set to Strict or Lax to further enhance security by preventing them from being sent in cross-site requests.
  • Stay Vigilant: Regularly update web applications and frameworks to address known CSRF vulnerabilities.

By implementing these crucial security measures, you can significantly mitigate the risk of CSRF attacks and safeguard your users' data.

5. Securing Your Sessions: Keeping Out Unwanted Guests

Imagine you're relaxing at the beach, enjoying the sun and sand. To get to your reserved beach chair, you show the lifeguard a special wristband that proves you're entitled to be there. This is similar to how session management works in web applications. Sessions establish a secure connection between users and websites, verifying their identity and granting access to specific features.

However, just like leaving your beach chair unattended, weak session management can leave your website vulnerable to session hijacking. This is where an attacker intercepts someone else's session ID, acting like them and potentially gaining access to their information or performing unauthorized actions. Here's where Secure Coding Practices Checklists come in. These checklists provide developers with essential steps to ensure proper session management, preventing such vulnerabilities and keeping your users' data safe.

Insecure Session Management: An Open Door for Attackers

Here's a bad example of insecure session management using plain HTTP cookies:

// Insecure: Using plain HTTP cookies
app.get('/dashboard', (req, res) => {
  const userId = req.cookies.userId; // Get user ID from cookie
  const user = findUserById(userId);
  // Display user dashboard (if user ID is valid)

This approach has several weaknesses:

  • Lack of Security: HTTP cookies are vulnerable to interception and tampering, allowing attackers to steal user IDs and potentially gain unauthorized access.
  • Predictable IDs: If user IDs are easily guessable, attackers could forge them to impersonate other users.

Secure Coding Practices Checklists: Secure Session Management

Here's a good example of secure session management using Redis, a popular in-memory data store:

// Secure: Using Redis for session storage
const session = require('express-session');
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);

const sessionConfig = {
  store: new RedisStore({ url: 'redis://localhost:6379' }), // Connect to Redis server
  secret: 'secret_key', // A strong, unique secret for encryption
  resave: false, // Don't save sessions that haven't changed
  saveUninitialized: false, // Don't save empty sessions
  cookie: {
    secure: true, // Only send cookies over HTTPS connections
    httpOnly: true, // Prevent JavaScript access to cookies
    maxAge: 3600000, // Session expires after 1 hour (optional)


app.get('/dashboard', (req, res) => {
  const user = findUserById(req.session.userId); // Get user ID from secure session storage
  // Display user dashboard (if user ID is valid)

This approach offers several security benefits:

  • Secure Storage: Session data is stored in Redis, a dedicated database, rather than plain cookies, making it harder to access or manipulate.
  • Strong Encryption: The secret key encrypts session data, further protecting from unauthorized viewing.
  • Cookie Configuration: The cookie object configures secure transmission and prevents JavaScript access, reducing the risk of client-side attacks.

By implementing secure session management, you can create a more robust and secure environment for your users, safeguarding their data and preventing unauthorized access to your web application. Remember, secure session management is a crucial element in building trust with your users and protecting their information.

6. Safeguarding Your Web App: The Power of Content Security Policy (CSP)

Imagine you're building a fortress to protect your valuable possessions. You carefully control who enters, from where they come, and what tools they bring. In the digital world, a similar strategy exists to secure web applications from malicious attacks: Content Security Policy (CSP).

However, even the strongest fortress needs well-trained guards. In the realm of web security, this role is fulfilled by Secure Coding Practices Checklists. These checklists provide developers with a comprehensive set of guidelines to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in their code, creating a strong foundation for secure applications before external defense mechanisms like CSP come into play. By combining the strategic control of CSP with the proactive approach of secure coding practices, developers can significantly enhance the security posture of their web applications.

Open Doors, Open Doorways (Insecure Application):

Consider this bad example of a vulnerable React application:

// Vulnerable: No CSP implemented
const ExampleApp = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to My App</h1>
      <p>This is a vulnerable React application.</p>
      <script src='https://evil.com/malicious.js'></script>

export default ExampleApp;

Fortifying Your Walls (Secure Application):

Now, let's see a good example with CSP implementation:

// Secure: Using CSP
const ExampleApp = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to My Secure App</h1>
      <p>This is a secure React application with CSP.</p>

export default ExampleApp;
// Server-side CSP configuration (Express.js)
app.use((req, res, next) => {
    "script-src 'self' 'nonce-randomly_generated_nonce' https://trusted-cdn.com; default-src 'self'"
  • Scripts can only be loaded from three sources:
    • The application itself ('self')
    • A trusted Content Delivery Network (CDN) (https://trusted-cdn.com)
    • Scripts with a specific nonce value, generated randomly for each user session, ensuring scripts are valid and can't be easily replicated
  • All other resources (images, styles, etc.) are only allowed from the application itself (default-src 'self')

Secure Coding Practices Checklists: Benefits of Implementing CSP

  • Reduced XSS Risk: By controlling script sources, CSP significantly reduces the likelihood of malicious code execution.
  • Enhanced Security Posture: It acts as an additional layer of defense, offering an extra level of protection for your web application.

Remember, CSP is a powerful tool in your security arsenal, but it's crucial to configure it appropriately for your specific needs and continuously monitor and update your CSP policy to ensure optimal protection.

7. Securing the Error Vault: Preventing Information Leaks in Web Applications

Imagine you're visiting a museum. While admiring a painting, you notice a security guard accidentally drop a key card that grants access to the museum's vault. In the wrong hands, this card could lead to a disastrous art heist. Similarly, in the digital realm, error messages can expose sensitive information if handled carelessly, becoming a metaphorical key card for cybercriminals.

Fortunately, just like museums implement security protocols to safeguard their treasures, developers can employ tools like Secure Coding Practices Checklists to write robust code that minimizes the risk of such information leaks. By following these guidelines, developers can effectively create secure applications that protect user data and prevent them from becoming the next target of a digital heist.

Exposing the Vault's Contents (Insecure Example):

Consider this code that reveals a user's entire object, including potentially sensitive details, when a user isn't found:

// Insecure: Exposing full user object
app.get('/user/:id', (req, res) => {
  const userId = req.params.id;
  const user = getUserById(userId);
  if (!user) {
    // Revealing sensitive information in error message
    return res.status(404).json({ error: 'User not found' });
  // Exposing full user object

Locking the Vault Tight (Secure Example):

Here's a better approach that discloses only necessary information:

// Secure: Exposing limited user details
app.get('/user/:id', (req, res) => {
  const userId = req.params.id;
  const user = getUserById(userId);
  if (!user) {
    // Generic error message without sensitive details
    return res.status(404).json({ error: 'Not found' });
  // Exposing only necessary details
  res.json({ username: user.username, email: user.email });

Secure Coding Practices Checklists For Error Handling:

  • Filter Sensitive Information: Meticulously review error messages to remove any confidential details like passwords, internal server information, or implementation specifics.
  • Provide Generic Feedback: Opt for general error messages that don't offer clues to a system's internal workings, hindering attackers' ability to exploit potential weaknesses.
  • Implement Proper Logging: Log errors for debugging and analysis without exposing sensitive information. Avoid logging sensitive data directly.
  • Consider Error-Hiding Techniques: In specific scenarios, consider hiding error messages from end-users entirely and logging them for developer review.

Remember: By adhering to Secure Coding Practices Checklists, you can protect user data, maintain system integrity, and prevent adversaries from gaining valuable insights into your application's vulnerabilities. Treat error messages with the same care as you would a museum's precious treasures. Remember, secure coding practices are not just a suggestion, they are vital in safeguarding your application and its users.

8. Securing Your Uploads: Building a Robust Fortress for Files

Imagine you're entrusted with safeguarding a valuable vault of documents. To ensure their security, you implement various measures: access control, content verification, and secure storage. Similarly, securing file uploads in web applications demands a multi-layered approach to protect against potential threats.

Leaking the Keys to the Vault (Insecure Uploads):

This bad example exposes several vulnerabilities in file upload handling:

  • Unrestricted Uploads: Users can upload any type of file, lacking proper validation to prevent malicious content.
  • Publicly Accessible Files: The "uploads" directory is publicly accessible, making uploaded files readily available for anyone to access.
  • Unprotected File Names: Original filenames are used, potentially revealing sensitive information embedded in the name itself.

These vulnerabilities could allow attackers to:

  • Execute malicious code: Uploading files containing scripts could exploit vulnerabilities in the server-side code, potentially leading to unauthorized access or data manipulation.
  • Launch denial-of-service attacks: Uploading large or numerous files could overwhelm the server, making it unavailable to legitimate users.
  • Leak sensitive information: The application might unintentionally expose sensitive data through uploaded files, compromising user privacy.

Fortifying Your Vault (Secure Uploads):

Here's a good example demonstrating secure file upload practices:

// Secure file upload with validation and protection

const storage = multer.diskStorage({
  destination: (req, file, cb) => {
    cb(null, 'uploads/'); // Uploads to a designated directory
  filename: (req, file, cb) => {
    // Generate unique filenames for security
    const uniqueFilename = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
    const fileExtension = path.extname(file.originalname);
    cb(null, uniqueFilename + fileExtension);

const fileFilter = (req, file, cb) => {
  // Allow only specific file types (e.g., images)
  if (file.mimetype === 'image/jpeg' || file.mimetype === 'image/png' || file.mimetype === 'image/gif') {
    cb(null, true);
  } else {
    cb(new Error('Invalid file type. Only images (jpeg, png, gif) are allowed.'));

const upload = multer({ storage, fileFilter });

app.post('/upload', upload.single('file'), (req, res) => {
  // ... (File processing logic)
  res.send('File uploaded successfully.');
  • File Type Validation: This ensures only specific allowed file types (e.g., images) are uploaded, mitigating the risk of malicious code execution.
  • Unique Filenames: Using random filenames prevents attackers from exploiting predictable naming conventions.
  • Secure Storage: Uploaded files are stored in a protected directory, not publicly accessible.

Additional Security Considerations:

  • Limit File Size: Enforce a maximum file size to prevent denial-of-service attacks.
  • Scan for Malware: Implement virus scanning mechanisms to detect and prevent the upload of malicious files.
  • Regularly Update Software: Maintain updated software versions to address known vulnerabilities in libraries like Multer.

By implementing these Secure Coding Practices Checklists, you can build a robust system for secure file uploads, safeguarding your application and keeping user data protected. Remember, securing file uploads is a crucial aspect of overall web application security, offering an extra layer of defense against potential threats.

9. Keeping Watch: The Power of Logging and Auditing for Security

Imagine a historical archive, meticulously recording every event that has transpired within a kingdom. This archive serves as an invaluable resource for understanding the past, identifying patterns, and making informed decisions. Similarly, logging and auditing play a vital role in web application security, acting as a detailed record of activities, enabling timely detection and response to security incidents.

Just like Secure Coding Practices Checklists provide a blueprint for building secure applications, logging and auditing act as a historical record, providing vital insights into the application's past activity. This allows security teams to identify suspicious behavior, investigate potential breaches, and take swift action to mitigate risks. By combining secure coding practices with robust logging and auditing, organizations can build a layered defense against cyber threats, protecting both their applications and their users.

Secure Coding Practices Checklists: A Kingdom in the Dark (Inadequate Logging):

This bad example demonstrates insufficient logging mechanisms:

// Limited logging for security monitoring
app.post('/data', (req, res) => {
  const sensitiveData = req.body.data;
  // Process data without logging relevant events

Without proper logging:

  • Security incidents might go unnoticed: Malicious activities, unauthorized access attempts, or potential breaches could remain undetected.
  • Investigation becomes challenging: Investigating security incidents becomes difficult due to the lack of detailed, chronological information.
  • Decision-making lacks crucial context: Without comprehensive logs, it's challenging to make informed decisions regarding security posture or incident response.

Illuminating the Kingdom (Secure Logging):

Here's a good example showcasing appropriate logging practices:

// Implementing secure logging for security monitoring
const fs = require('fs');

app.post('/data', (req, res) => {
  const sensitiveData = req.body.data;
  // Process data and log relevant events
  fs.appendFile('security.log', `Data processed: ${sensitiveData}\n`, (err) => {
    if (err) {
      console.error('Error writing to log file:', err);

This example demonstrates secure logging:

  • Logging sensitive actions: Records the processing of sensitive data, providing crucial context for security analysis.
  • Centralized logging: Consolidate logs in a designated file ('security.log') for easier analysis and review.

Secure Coding Practices Checklists for Secure Logging:

  • Store logs securely: Implement secure storage mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access or tampering with log data.
  • Define a log retention policy: Determine how long to retain logs based on regulatory requirements and practical considerations.
  • Utilize log analysis tools: Leverage tools that can analyze and extract insights from log data for efficient security monitoring.

These were some secure coding practices checklists, which, if incorporated into code, we can protect our app and the users. We hope you find this helpful. 🙌

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